Tuesday, April 30, 2013

student summit

                My topic was Globalization and Outsourcing and how it pertained to government, politics, and employment. Reading about this in the book “The World is Flat” was interesting and taught me a lot about how globalization and outsourcing began. The ning was something that was fun to use. It helped you interact and share with the other students in the project which was a very helpful tool.

The project was new to me and I had never done anything like it before. It was fun and challenging to work with students you have never met and live all over the world. Some lessons that I learned during the project was that you have to be able to communicate with new people, you have to pull your own weight and get your work done, and also that you need to communicate and respond within a timely manner.

I thought the most fun part of this project was getting to use new technology and learn how it can help you get work done. There were a few new websites and tools that I learned to use and I think they will be helpful in the future.

One of the biggest challenges of the project was communication. It was tough because the team members were not always online at the same time and you had to make sure you were checking often to see if there were any messages that you needed to respond to.

If I could change anything about the FCP it would be getting more communication from team members. I think only one of my three team members communicated with me throughout the project and contributed to the wiki.


Monday, April 29, 2013

keynote response

Technology tools can be very helpful to communicate and collaborate in the classroom as well as fun to use outside of it. Twitter is a major technology tool that I use outside the classroom that can be used to communicate in the classroom whether it be with a teacher or with students. A big 21st century skill that is promoted in the flat classroom project is communication. The project gets you to collaborate with students that you really cannot communicate with in person. The FCP project prepares you for the future by strengthening your communication skills. The technology we are using is only going to become more advanced and starting to use it now will help us in the future. We can use our current communication skills and expectation of immediate responses to communicate with others quickly and efficiently in order to get work done faster.

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Digital Citizenship

This blog is all about Digi-tools. I am Carson  senior at Valley High School and this blog is all about my semester long class Digi-Tools. Our first unit is all about digital citizenship. In my own words digital citizenship is all about being a good citzen online, being responsible, respectful, and caring.

If i had to rate my own online profile i would say it is kind of in the middle of the road. There are things that i probably could've thought harder on before posting. I see a lot of people online who behave much worse than I do and as a result of this unit I think I will be able to think a lot harder about what I post online.

This infograph is about some interesting online facts and how digital citizenship is big in our world today and how it could effect you.